PEO vs. EOR Services

PEO and EOR services have made it possible for HRs throughout industries to hire remotely while aiding the company in remaining profitable in the long run. With the growth in popularity of both PEO and EOR services, companies have been opting for these services more commonly than hiring in-house employees. Likewise, outsourcing has also helped...


Over recent years, the job-hunting scenario in Nepal has turned over a new leaf. Staffing agencies in Nepal have stepped into the spotlight, bridging companies needing fresh talent and job seekers. Staffing agencies act as mediators between employers and job hunters, matching qualified candidates with suitable job opportunities. They make the hiring process smoother by...

EOR Service Nepal_banner

Employer of Record (EOR) Service in Nepal Employer of record (EOR) services in Nepal become crucial as a company grows. Companies can’t handle human resources responsibilities when handling other major organizational activities. Similarly, outsourcing the Employer of Record or EOR service helps you save time, money, and resources in the best way possible. EOR services...


In today’s competitive job market, attracting highly skilled individuals can be a challenging process. This is where recruitment services come into play. The traditional hiring process has been replaced by the new one which includes recruiting agencies or other alternative methods such as planning, strategy development, preparing job descriptions, job posting, screening, shortlisting, and selection...

IT Outsourcing in Nepal banner

IT outsourcing services in Nepal have grown over time, with growth in digital transformation and an increased focus on business development. IT outsourcing makes it easier for businesses to grow while going easy on the business owner’s pocket, recovering as quickly as possible from any disasters caused in the organization, conveniently having access to a...

Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an ISO certified company. We specialize in Business Process Outsourcing and Talent Sourcing services. We have grown from a Human Resource services company to specialize further in managing contact centers, talent outsourcing, sales, and marketing.

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Phone No:  +977 1 5430599, 5432572 | +977 9801800012

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