PEO vs. EOR Services

PEO and EOR services have made it possible for HRs throughout industries to hire remotely while aiding the company in remaining profitable in the long run. With the growth in popularity of both PEO and EOR services, companies have been opting for these services more commonly than hiring in-house employees. Likewise, outsourcing has also helped...

Call Center Quality Assurance (1)

Quality assurance is one of the crucial aspects in call centers to ensure all the interactions are as professional and precise as possible. Call center quality assurance helps increase efficiency in all the tasks that take place in the call center. In the modern age, there has been a great emphasis on improving customer experience...

Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an ISO certified company. We specialize in Business Process Outsourcing and Talent Sourcing services. We have grown from a Human Resource services company to specialize further in managing contact centers, talent outsourcing, sales, and marketing.

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