Call Center Quality Assurance (1)

Quality assurance is one of the crucial aspects in call centers to ensure all the interactions are as professional and precise as possible. Call center quality assurance helps increase efficiency in all the tasks that take place in the call center. In the modern age, there has been a great emphasis on improving customer experience...

10 tips for your happy customer

For any business to grow and remain relevant, they need to keep their customers happy. The satisfaction of a buyer determines whether a business is going to be successful or not. Any business that has satisfied and returning customers will grow better and be able to earn more revenue in the long run. As for...

10 Practices for CX Analysis

Customer experience is an important aspect of analyzing a business. Every business has the motive to grow their customer satisfaction to bring in more revenue. Without good customer experience, companies will go under loss and will eventually come close to perishing with time. Customer experience includes the experience that a customer has with both the...

Outsource_to_nepal - 1

In today’s competitive business environment, businesses are constantly looking for strategies and innovation to boost their revenue growth. One such strategy can be outsourcing a telesales team to countries like Nepal. In telesales outsourcing, the company hires a third-party organization that specializes in handling sales-related operations, particularly selling products or services over the phone. Similarly,...

Kantipur Management Private Limited (KMPL) is an ISO certified company. We specialize in Business Process Outsourcing and Talent Sourcing services. We have grown from a Human Resource services company to specialize further in managing contact centers, talent outsourcing, sales, and marketing.

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Phone No:  +977 1 5430599, 5432572 | +977 9801800012

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